Get the Best Tasting Coffee in SM City Clark, Angeles City
Closed Now
Min. Order: ₱ 300.00
EST: 90 mins
Starbucks Menu

Signature Hot Chococlate (Grande)
₱ 165.00

Signature Hot Chococlate (Tall)
₱ 150.00

Signature Hot Chococlate (Venti)
₱ 180.00
Coffee Craft

Brewed Coffee (Grande)
₱ 125.00

Brewed Coffee (Tall)
₱ 110.00

Brewed Coffee (Venti)
₱ 140.00

Cold Brew (Grande)
₱ 165.00

Cold Brew (Tall)
₱ 150.00

Cold Brew (Venti)
₱ 180.00

Cold Foam Iced Espresso (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Cold Foam Iced Espresso (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Cold Foam Iced Espresso (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Caffe Americano (Grande)
₱ 145.00

Caffe Americano (Tall)
₱ 130.00

Caffe Americano (Venti)
₱ 160.00

Caffe Latte (Grande)
₱ 155.00

Caffe Latte (Tall)
₱ 140.00

Caffe Latte (Venti)
₱ 170.00

Caffe Mocha (Grande)
₱ 170.00

Caffe Mocha (Tall)
₱ 155.00

Caffe Mocha (Venti)
₱ 185.00

Cappucino (Grande)
₱ 155.00

Cappucino (Tall)
₱ 140.00

Cappucino (Venti)
₱ 170.00

Caramel Macchiato (Grande)
₱ 180.00

Caramel Macchiato (Tall)
₱ 165.00

Caramel Macchiato (Venti)
₱ 195.00

White Chocolate Mocha (Grande)
₱ 180.00

White Chocolate Mocha (Tall)
₱ 165.00

White Chocolate Mocha (Venti)
₱ 195.00

Chocolate Chip Cream (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Chocolate Chip Cream (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Chocolate Chip Cream (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Coffee Jelly (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Coffee Jelly (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Coffee Jelly (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Dark Caramel Chocolate (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Dark Caramel Chocolate (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Dark Caramel Chocolate (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Dark Mocha (Grande)
₱ 195.00

Dark Mocha (Tall)
₱ 180.00

Dark Mocha (Venti)
₱ 210.00

Green Tea Cream (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Green Tea Cream (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Green Tea Cream (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Java Chip (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Java Chip (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Java Chip (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Red Velvet Cake Cream (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Red Velvet Cake Cream (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Red Velvet Cake Cream (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Strawberries & Cream (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Strawberries & Cream (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Strawberries & Cream (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Triple Mocha (Grande)
₱ 185.00

Triple Mocha (Tall)
₱ 170.00

Triple Mocha (Venti)
₱ 200.00

Vanilla Cream (Grande)
₱ 165.00

Vanilla Cream (Tall)
₱ 150.00

Vanilla Cream (Venti)
₱ 180.00
Starbucks Angeles City, Pampanga
Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain. Order coffee, food or drinks online from Starbucks Angeles City Pampanga today. Check menu and prices now!
Delivery Days and Hours
Monday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Tuesday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Thursday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Friday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Sunday 10:00 am - 05:40 pm
Covered Areas
Angeles City
AmsicAnunasBalibagoCapayaClaro M. RectoCuayanCutcutCutudLourdes North WestLourdes SurLourdes Sur EastMalabaniasMargotMiningNinoy Aquino (Marisol)PampangPandanPulung CacutudPulung MaragulPulungbuluSalapunganSan JoseSan NicolasSanta TeresitaSanta TrinidadSanto CristoSanto DomingoSanto Rosario (Pob.)SapalibutadSapangbatoTabunVirgen Delos Remedios
Aderans PhilAir Force ParkAqua Planet Water ParkCDC OfficeCDC Public SafetyClark Bicentennial ParkClark Clear WaterClark Parade GroundsClark PolytechnicClark South Toll GateClark Veterans CemeteryDOTrEastWest BankFlying V Gas StationFontana Leisure ParksJollibee (Berthaphil)L&TLaus Auto ServicesLomi HouseMarriott HotelMercedez BuildingMidori Clark HotelOmni Aviation CorpOriental Clark Duty FreeParkson Duty FreePhilexcel Business ParkPicnic GroundsPuregold Duty FreeShell NorthwalkTexas InstrumentsThe Medical CityYokohama Tire Phil
Mabalacat City
Atlu-BolaBicalBundagulCacutudCalumpangCamachilesDauDoloresDuquitLakandulaMabigaMacapagal VillageMamatitangMangalitMarcos VillageMawaqueParalayunanPoblacionSan FranciscoSan JoaquinSanta InesSanta MariaSanto RosarioSapang BalenSapang BiabasTabun
Saranghae Sarang
Aug 26, 2021 05:38Harvey Nicdao
Oct 3, 2020 02:12Martin Hsu
Feb 13, 2020 04:19Aimee Chen
Dec 5, 2019 03:32